Along with our client partners at Kit and Ace, we were awarded winner of the UX for Marketing category at the recently held Vancouver User Experience (UX) Awards. As the award website explains, "Successful marketing depends on creating great user experiences. Your users are your customers and understanding their needs is essential to selling your product. This award recognizes user experiences tied to ecommerce, customer experience, campaigns, contests, and other solutions designed to connect customers to organizations of all sizes and industries.”
By focusing on presenting visitors with an uncompromised customer journey, from online to offline, Engine Digital helped the brand rethink what the ultimate online shopping experience might look like. This meant blending online merchandising with a more immersive and editorially-driven brand experience, less reliant on the dated ‘best practices’ of typical ecommerce experiences. The end product is a unique platform that guides visitors through product, stories, and weaves the unique Kit and Ace brand throughout.
“This particular project created the opportunity to explore new and more interesting ways for consumers to interact with a vertical retail brand,” stated Richard Gallagher, Founder & Chief Creative Officer at Engine Digital. "Because Kit and Ace has such a well considered retail experience, that same design ethos was central to the approach we took in helping reposition the brand online. Along with our client, we're incredibly proud of the outcome."